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This site came from a passion for cars and a concern for your safety!

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Choose to buy, rent a car from Cars4You and you will enjoy high class services provided by a professional team.

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Choose Our Car Services

The services offered by our company are complete, being focused on identifying the needs of our customers and meeting their expectations.

Your Car In Exchange

If you were involved in a road accident and it was not your fault, then you have the right to a replacement car while your car is being repaired in a car service.

Rent a car

Our company offers an excellent car rental system in Romania that allows customers to reach the rent a car offer they need very easily.

Car Sales

We are Cars4You specialized in sales of new, used and old cars.

Leave everything to us!

We help you get the car you want.

Before being offered for sale and rent all cars put on the marchet undergo a GENERAL TECHNICAL VERIFICATION.

Fair Price for the Service Received
``drive safely at the best price``
Customer Care
``we adapt to the needs of customers``
Monitoring the Quality of Services
``over 3000 opinion polls``